Normally, I don't go for Target deals because (and even though I love Target), I don't ever seem to find great match ups. I honestly have better luck at CVS with rolling ECBs than anything else. It's sad because the people at Target (or the one where I am, anyway) are so nice and the lady I always see at CVS seems - annoyed by my presence for lack of a better phrase.
After shopping around - and yes, Target has a plethora of clearance right now - I wound up with several things in my basket. While I was there for practical matters - my 4 year old needed a lunch box for her first year of school and padding for her first official big girl bike - I actually found some decent deals and wound up paying less than $10 for everything pictured below (which does not include said pads or lunch box):
Please excuse the shady look of the picture, our Digital Camera is low on life. Anyhow, here is the break down:
(1) Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Gel - $3.94
(1) Clean & Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets - $3.99
(1) Clean & Clear Morning Burst Oxygen Cleanser - $4.99
(1) Biore Steam-Activated Cleanser - $6.49
(1) Johnson & Johnson First Aid Bag - FREE
(2) Johnson & Johnson Hospital Grade Gauze - $3.14
(1) Band-Aid Brand Mickey Mouse Adult Band-Aids - $2.29
I used several coupons and the only one that wasn't printable was the Scrubbing Bubbles one, which I got from a swap a couple weeks ago. This scenario is very do-able for a first timer looking to spend no more than $10 (like our last scenario). Here is the final prices of everything before tax:
(1) Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Gel - $2.94
(1) Clean & Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets - $.99
(1) Clean & Clear Morning Burst Oxygen Cleanser - $1.99 (Should have been $.99, but a coupon was skipped)
(1) Biore Steam-Activated Cleanser - $2.49
(1) Johnson & Johnson First Aid Bag - FREE
(2) Johnson & Johnson Hospital Grade Gauze - $.14
(1) Band-Aid Brand Mickey Mouse Adult Band-Aids - $.29
If you are wondering whether or not you are doing "good" think about your savings. Even with my bike pads and lunch box, I saved $21.18... Only $.99 of that was from those other two items. When compared to what I purchased and how much I paid OOP (only for my coupon items) I saved 60%!
Aside from this, I had a little mishap with the First Aid bag and had to go back to Guest Services in order to get it off my bill. At my store it's only Benadryl and Neosporin that count towards the free bag, however, some faulty signage scored me a free bag, so make sure that you have a way to document what's going on if you need an adjustment. Finally, it pays to be nice. I was a Retail Manager for over 12 years and it's no picnic. It's okay to get a little frustrated, but don't take your frustration out on the wrong people - it's only thanks to them that you get anything free or cheap anyway. Happy shopping!
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