Every week you can find out what coupon inserts are going to be in the Sunday paper through this site: Sunday Coupon Preview. This is how many Couponers get their start on match-ups early. Matching coupons to store sales from places like Walgreen, CVS, or Rite-Aid is what makes or breaks a deal. Items that are normally $10 can end up literally costing next to nothing. Investing just a little bit of time and gathering coupons is a great way to lower your overall costs.
Many people who are less fortunate (or if you just live paycheck to paycheck like we do most of the time), end up holding off on necessities (like TP) or next to necessary necessities (like laundry soap) just long enough to run out of the last piece, pair, or ounce just as the next paycheck hits the bank. So what is the purpose of mentioning the Sunday Coupon Preview? It's necessary to know what you're getting into so to speak.
If you're not using any other resources, like the ones listed in our left guide bar, then chances are you're going to spend hours pouring over two sites: a retailer site (like CVS, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, etc) and the Sunday Coupon Preview site. If you don't have the blessing of working at home or being a SAHM/SAHD then it's also likely you're not going to get enough sleep either.
Many sites will match up and make all the necessary deals obvious for you. The only thing I am going to do is show you the deals that I get in real life to prove this is something that can be done. You should always check out other resources in order to get the full effect of Couponing, however, not all deals are plausible. Take my trip this week for instance, my check wasn't in yet so I didn't have the cash in the account to spend. Couple that with paying for an unexpected item at CVS from the cash pool I had saved for my trip and I was screwed. I cut back on two items and doubled up on another that provided the same ECB twice in order to alleviate my problem.
You should also keep in mind that many different stores now accept competitor's coupons and should always have a copy of said stores coupon policy to save yourself from embarrassment. Many people feel like Couponing is a way to cheat the system and therefore often will refuse multiple coupons. The reality, however, is that regardless of the type of coupon, those stores are still getting paid - a manufacturer's coupon reimburses the store - so you have nothing to feel guilty about. The only rule is to stay organized! Or you just might lose your focus like I did this week and end up paying cash when you still had ECBs or RRs to cover you.
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